Monday, January 15, 2007


I've Reached The $2000 Mark!!

Thanks to the generosity of family, friends, and strangers, I have surpassed the $2000 mark in my fundraising. Less than $4900 left to go!! I am making a deposit of almost $1000 tomorrow thanks to the incredible generosity of the following supporters: Willow Underwood, Isabel Ruse, Colleen Lefebvre, Madeleine Jezagou, Shirley Webb, DEBORAH MIEVRE (my kindred spirit!), Neil and Patti Farmer (my wonderful brother and sister-in-law), Woodpack Industries Inc., Les Krentz and Jo Brown, Lorraine and Laurent Vermette, and Norman and Laura Peterson. Thank you as well to my former teaching colleagues at North Valley High School in Lemberg, Saskatchewan for purchasing Christmas cards for The Arthritis Society.

Speaking of schools, I have laid down a challenge for my students at Sedley High School. I have promised that if they raise $800 for The Arthritis Society by June 14, 2007, one lucky student will have the opportunity to, under strict professional supervision, shave me bald!! My grade 12 students actually wanted to do this at their grad, but in the interest of keeping the grad focussed on the students' achievements, it will be done at another time. I definitely appreciate their enthusiasm though!! Many thanks to the Sedley Post Office, Sedley Country Convenience, and Sedley Road House for agreeing to take jars for my campaign called "Change For Change - Give Your 5 Cents Worth For Arthritis Research." Any money collected in the community will also go towards the students' goal of $800.

I would love to hear from anyone reading my blog. Just click on the word "comments" found at the end of each blog entry and it will allow you to send a message to my blog! It would be great fun for me to hear from any of my supporters, or anyone at all who reads my blog. Hope to hear from you all soon!! Bye for now.......................

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