Monday, October 16, 2006


Well, I am committed (or maybe I should be!)

I must be mad, and yet I haven't felt so invigorated in a long time! I emailed Cindy at the Arthritis Society today and told her to put me down for the Machu Picchu trek!! My thoughts are suddenly consumed with fundraising ideas, and I will share them all with you once my mind slows down a little and I can think more coherently!! I have shared the news with a few close friends but I haven't yet told my parents. I know they will worry about me, because that is what they do, but I also know this decision will inevitably create work for them. When they get over the initial shock they will help me with my fundraising in whatever ways they can because that is also what they do. They love me and have always always been there for me when I needed help and support. I have been truly blessed to have them for parents. I am also blessed to have a partner who is generous with his time, energy, resources, and spirit. Like my parents, he loves me unconditionally, but, unlike my parents, he does this totally voluntarily! I think the man must be a saint!! I know I could not embark on this journey without their love and support and I am overwhelmingly grateful.
I need to go now and get some Kleenex for my runny nose and tear stained face! I'll keep you all posted!!

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