Sunday, December 10, 2006


The donations are starting to come in.....

I realize it has been a long time since I have updated my blog, but I have been making progress. I have completed a letter writing campaign to all my previous Joints in Motion supporters as well as others who I believe may be interested in supporting The Arthritis Society. I hesitated to call upon people who so generously supported my previous fundraising efforts, but I reminded myself that The Arthritis Society is a very good cause - one that I hope many people will be happy to support again. I am also confident that people will make their own decision, and will not feel obligated to make a donation if they do not wish to do so. Within days of my first mailing I had three donations in my mailbox - the generosity of people still inspires and humbles me! Many sincere thanks to Marg and Art Reine, Pat Collins, and Edith Fowler for their generous donations to The Arthritis Society.

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