Sunday, October 22, 2006


The fun continues.........

I was speaking to my brother who lives in B.C. last night, and I shared with him my plans and got some feedback about some of my fundraising ideas. He works in the corporate world and has considerable insight into what might motivate businesses to want to participate in my fundraising projects. However, his most memorable insight was regarding my request to Keith Richards about being my Joints in Motion hero. He says hopefully Keith won't read past the "joints in motion" part and, if that is the case, he may well be very interested in being my hero!!

That's all for now - life is calling!!

Friday, October 20, 2006


And so it begins.....

My first fundraiser is under way!! I am doing a nickel drive I am calling "Change for Change - Give Your 5 Cents Worth For Arthritis Research." My goal is to collect 1 kilometer of nickels. Then I hope to actually line them up for a kilometer to create a 2 kilometer out and back running/walking trail which I will run, with as many of my supporters who wish to participate. I am still working on the details, but I like the idea!! I am a math and science teacher so of course I see all kinds of opportunities for students - how big is a nickel, how many nickels will be needed, what will be their total mass, what will be their total value, calculating your walking and/or running speed, what new advances have been made in arthritis research, and who knows what else creative teachers could do!! Obviously, I am hoping that my school division embraces my idea, and that I have hundreds of children, young adults, and teachers enthusiastically sharing their nickels with a very worthy cause.

I have a wonderful group of women friends that meet monthly and, as fate would have it, our hostess for October organized a poker party and asked us all to bring our nickels. Despite the fact I lost our Texas Hold 'Em evening on the last hand, I came home with over 320 nickels!! Fundraising always provides many humbling reminders of the generosity of people, and I have very generous friends. In addition to their nickel donations they also kindly offered to help build the 1 kilometre trail of nickels in the spring! Their enthusiastic support is very encouraging and is appreciated more than I can say.

I have also received messages of support from my four female running companions. They were aware of my desire to climb a mountain and do the Peru trek before I committed to the Arthritis Society, and they are excited that I have decided to go for it. These women are such an inspiration to me - they began running marathons when they were in their 50's and have, in total, completed 10 Joints in Motion marathons and one "Conquer the Canyon" Grand Canyon hike, raising tens of thousands of dollars for the Arthritis Society. They have learned to swim and ride a bicycle while in their fifties, and have completed tri-atholons and rigorous bike excursions. They remind me that life is a wonderful adventure, and that anything is possible. I am exceedingly grateful for their love and friendship.

One last note - I went to see the Rolling Stones in Regina on October 6 and was very moved to see, on the big screen, close-ups of Keith Richards' hands. Although some described them as gnarled, to me they also looked beautiful - like hands that had packed in as much living as they could!! I was told that Keith Richards has arthritis so, even though I am not sure if that is true or not, I emailed him to ask if he would be my Joints in Motion hero. You see, every participant in a Joints in Motion marathon or hike chooses a hero - someone with arthritis who reminds us during our difficult moments of training and fundraising exactly why we are doing this. I haven't heard back from him as yet, but I expect to any day now!!! If any of you are in contact with Keith I'd appreciate you reminding him of my request!!

Monday, October 16, 2006


Well, I am committed (or maybe I should be!)

I must be mad, and yet I haven't felt so invigorated in a long time! I emailed Cindy at the Arthritis Society today and told her to put me down for the Machu Picchu trek!! My thoughts are suddenly consumed with fundraising ideas, and I will share them all with you once my mind slows down a little and I can think more coherently!! I have shared the news with a few close friends but I haven't yet told my parents. I know they will worry about me, because that is what they do, but I also know this decision will inevitably create work for them. When they get over the initial shock they will help me with my fundraising in whatever ways they can because that is also what they do. They love me and have always always been there for me when I needed help and support. I have been truly blessed to have them for parents. I am also blessed to have a partner who is generous with his time, energy, resources, and spirit. Like my parents, he loves me unconditionally, but, unlike my parents, he does this totally voluntarily! I think the man must be a saint!! I know I could not embark on this journey without their love and support and I am overwhelmingly grateful.
I need to go now and get some Kleenex for my runny nose and tear stained face! I'll keep you all posted!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Welcome everyone to my blog! I am sure some of you are wondering why Joanne Farmer has a blog, and I am sure more of you are wondering how in the world Joanne Farmer figured out how to start a blog. Well, big ideas require desperate measures sometimes, and I am working on one heck of a big idea!!

As many of you know, I ran the DisneyWorld Marathon in January 2003 as a member of the Arthritis Society's Joints in Motion Training Team. As for many participants, this really was a life changing experience for me, and when I returned from Florida I found myself dreaming of someday climbing a mountain. I did some preliminary research to see if any charitable organizations offered such opportunities in a fundraising program, but the only ones I could find at that time existed in Europe. I put my dream on hold, but I never forgot it.

Now, fast forward three and a half years, to October 2006. The Saskatchewan Branch of the Arthritis Society has announced its Joints in Motion destinations for the upcoming year and included among them is a 4 day trek to Machu Picchu in Peru. Not quite a mountain climb, but it is a 43 kilometre trek through a mountainous region which winds past carved granite Inca settlements, and is surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. For me, it sounds like a dream come true.

Then I look at the fundraising goal for this unbelievable experience - $6900!! I am overwhelmed by a sense of fear and trepidation! How can I possibly fundraise that much money in 8 months I ask myself. I begin to convince myself that it is an impossible task.

Then I share my dream with my oldest son Joel who is a very wise almost 19 year old. His eyes begin to shine that wonderful shine I have come to know in the past 18 years as soon as I begin to tell him about the trek. When I finish my description he says with incredible enthusiasm and confidence, "You have to do that Mom!" and he offers to help with the fundraising whenever he can. Suddenly an impossible task seems entirely possible, and I am overwhelmed not by fear, but by my love and pride for both my sons, who I know will support me wholeheartedly in this venture. Joel's enthusiasm is infectious and I want to hang on to that enthusiasm, much as a drowning person clutches on to a life preserver. And I am reminded of one of my favorite running quotes - one that eloquently describes the experience of running a marathon. It ends with "and you realize the person you thought you were is no match for the person you really are."

I am planning to phone Cindy Kobayashi at the Arthritis Society office
tomorrow morning and make my commitment to do the Machu Picchu trek. My guts are churning, but I know that this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity, and if I miss it I will regret it for the rest of my life. I also know I am blessed with a wonderful loving family and partner, and the most incredible collection of friends that anyone could ever hope for. And I remind myself that the money I raise is going to an incredibly important cause - better treatment and care for the 148 000 people in Saskatchewan living with arthritis, as well as research for the causes and cures for arthritis.

I am now going to bite the bullet and publish this post. With the quick click of a mouse I will "seal my fate" and the fun will begin (right after I finish throwing up in the bathroom!) Here I

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